World Physiotherapy Africa Region Conference System, 10th WCPT Africa Region Congress

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Psycho-Social Determinants of Functional Independence in Post-Stroke Individuals
Caleb Ademola Gbiri, Aderonke O Akinpelu, Adesola Ogunniyi, Werdie C.W.V Staden

Last modified: 2014-02-07


Aim: Psycho-social factorsoften play important role in effective functional performance. This study investigatedpsycho-social determinants of achievement of functional independence infirst-everstroke survivors. Methods: Sixty-five first-everstroke patients were consecutively recruited within 24 hours of stroke-onsetfrom the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Stroke was classifiedusing the results of brains’ CT scan. The weighted values of Barthel andFrenchay Activities Indexes were combined to indicate functional performance.Depression was assessed with Centre for Epidemiological Scale-Depression scale.Spousal support was measured in numerical scale. Measurements were takenfortnightly for one year. Data were analyzed using linear regression at p=0.05.Results: Fifty-five (28 males, 27 females) participantscompleted the study given mortality rate of 15.4% and their mean age was57.4±14.8 years. Forty of the participants were married out of which 76.4% ofthem reported enjoying spousal support. Twenty-six (47.3%) had ischaemic strokeand 29 (52.7%) had haemorrhagic stroke. Age (β= 3.2), marital status (β= 2.2),spousal support (β= 7.5), educational qualification (β= 2.8), type of marriage(β= -3.1), incontinence (β= -1.4) and depression (β= -4.1) significantlydetermined functional independence at one year post-stroke. Spousal supportcontributed 48% while age, type of marriage, marital status and educationalqualifications contributed 20%, 10% 7% and 5% to post-stroke functionality respectively.Conclusion: Being married into monogamous familyand having spousal support, and the absence of incontinence and depression positivelydetermine achievement of functional independence among individuals with first-everstroke.

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