World Physiotherapy Africa Region Conference System, 9th WCPT Africa Region Congress

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A literature review of cognitive rehabilitation for memory deficits in Multiple Sclerosis.

Last modified: 2012-02-06


Objective: A literature review of cognitive rehabilitation for memory deficits in Multiple Sclerosis.

Design: A comprehensive review of research studies that focused on cognitive rehabilitation interventions with memory as a cognitive domain for people with Multiple Sclerosis and as such relevant literature was identified and reviewed. 

An extensive search strategy of seven computerised databases (Cochrane, Pubmed, Cinahl Plus, Pre-Cinahl, Medline, PEDro and Scopus) for all dates before 9th March 2009 was undertaken using a combination of the following terms: multiple sclerosis, degenerative disorder, cognitive dysfunction, memory deficits, memory disorders, cognitive rehabilitation, Psychotherapy, Memory Rehabilitation and Computer-assisted program.

References in relevant publications and non indexed journals were also examined. Criteria to include and exclude articles were formulated.

Studies were chosen based on inclusion-exclusion criteria, such that studies were excluded if (1) the study was not an intervention, (2) If it was a theoretic article or a case study, (3) was a pharmacologic intervention, (4) Full text not available in English language.

Articles were rated as per the levels of evidence on a set criteria laid down by American congress of rehabilitation medicine and the American academy of physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Results: The literature search and reference section review yielded an initial list of 252 citations. Seven articles met the inclusion criteria for the final review.

There were two studies of Class II which focused on memory rehabilitation alone, three studies of Class II had memory and learning as their cognitive domain and two Class I studies had attention and memory as their cognitive domain. 

Conclusion: Cognitive rehabilitation for memory deficits is still in its infancy. Evidence supporting the same is held back by methodological limitations and future interventions aimed at improving the functional status at the level of daily living should be encouraged.     


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